Monday 15 June 2015

Horrobile nightmare

Description: My Goal in writing is to use connectives and conjunctions at the start of a sentence. It came from was when our writing group was first starting. I had no ticks on the goal words. I'm going to achieve one of the goals by using it in this piece of writing.

this is my plans that I did for my story:

My charters plan:

My settings plan:

Writing plan (hamburger plan):

" 'Y' chart plan:

Big Idea: We started to think of writing a narrative piece of writing based on this picture...

We started to think of writing a narrative story so here it is:

Feedback/Feedforward:I think you did well with your story but maybe next time you could work on making it a bit with some of the words are in it but you did well. By Katie:)

Evaluation: I think I did good at putting the detail into the story but I think I could work on the characters feelings and the punctuation. 

1 comment:

  1. Bridget - I'm not quite sure why you have highlighted 'and' throughout your story. Remember that we are looking for connectives and conjunctions at the beginning of your sentences. Remember to use the sentence ladder to help you.
