Sunday 29 March 2015

Te Ahu a Turanga Noho Marae

Description:  In week 7, we had an overnight stay at the local Marae in Woodville.  We were immersed in Maori culture and participated in a range of activities.  We set two goals to focus on during our stay.

Big Idea:  
1.  Did you achieve your goals?  How do you know? yes because those goals help me not have nightmares  and I didn't have nightmares

2.  What are you most proud of from the marae stay and why? that I leant how to weave an angle fish 

3.  What challenged you the most and why? taking a shower with out people opening the door because they are not patient
Description:  In week 7, we had an overnight stay at the local Marae in Woodville.  We were immersed in Maori culture and participated in a range of activities.  We set two goals to focus on during our stay.

Big Idea:  
1.  Did you achieve your goals?  How do you know? yes because I felt safe with lots of people around me.

2.  What are you most proud of from the marae stay and why? I'm really proud of me because I found the way to weave a angle fish. 

3.  What challenged you the most and why? getting to sleep because of the snoring others were making.

1 comment:

  1. Bridget, I felt sorry for you because you slept next to someone that snored all night long (They kept me up too!) Im glad that you had a good experience there. It's good to put yourself out of your comfort zone every now and again because its stretches us and keeps us up with the play.
