Monday 24 August 2015

My sentences writing sample

Description: To show what we are doing for writing we needed to update the worlds knowledge of what we have been doing. So this post is about our writing in term 3.

Big Idea: In Writing in term 3 we have been writing we have been split into different groups of writing of either Sentences, Ideas or Words. I'm in Sentences and my goal is to complete the FANBOYS. FANBOYS stands for: For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet and So. To practice my goal in wriring we chose to write a story. So in writing we have be writing a narrative about this picture

Feedback: I think Bridget did well at making some thing humorous and being creative.
Feedforward: I think that Bridget needs to put more detail into her story.

Evaluation: I think I did well at making things humorous but I think the same that I need to but more detail. If I were to do this story again I would change one of the characters to a fish. 

1 comment:

  1. Bridget, this is an awesome piece. I love the ending, great little twist in there! Next time think about highlighting where you have used FANBOYS in your writing to help you recognise how often you use them.
