Thursday 18 June 2015

The Digestive System

DESCRIPTION: We have made a short movie to share what we have learnt about digestion this term. we want to share it to you so you can learn what we've learnt.

Success Criteria
Our movie has:
*lots of interesting details about digestion that our audience won’t know
*clear explanations about each stage of the digestion process (talking clearly and loudly, using specific science vocabulary)
*clear images 
*humour/interesting detail to keep the audience engaged

Here is our movie:

BIG IDEA: In Suzanne's science group we are learning about the digestive system. We planned on showing some of the things that we have been learning about in our science time.  

Feedback/Feedforward: This post is really detailed but I think you need to put more information about what you did. Ross

Evaluation: the easy part of this movie was the parts that I did by my self. I think putting up with everyones behavior movie was the hard part. If I were to do this movie again I would chose a different group to work with because everyone accept me were being silly and annoying.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bridget
    I noticed that you changed how you worked with our group over the term and it worked a lot better. You had some clear ideas and had to compromise a lot! Great job. Please rewrite the big Idea so that it is your ideas (my one was an example). What was your most interesting investigation this term?
